Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Might go Wrong

Some days you can almost hear Satan whispering in your ear that you are not good enough. We live in a battlefield of good and evil, and so often we feel the affects of that without even realizing it. God loves us, and though sometimes we struggle through life it does not reflect that God has turned his back to us. Why is that we so easily allow Satan to diminish our efforts? He is right when he says we are not good enough, because we aren't good enough. We are a fallen people saved by the grace of God, and no matter how much we want to do so, we will never be able to live in a way that we could even partially pay him back. Maybe if we grasp this we will realize that God truly loves us, and that though we are not good enough, he is still rooting for us.

I so easily doubt myself and my ability, but I need to learn to trust God more. He is in ultimate control, and will guide me along my way. My focus should be on living as he wants me to, not on what might go wrong.

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