Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lovin Ain't Easy

Often Hollywood portrays love as glamorous, but I think it is often far less romantic than movies make it out to be. Of course I am speaking more of love in general than just of a romantic type love, nonetheless love seems to me to often be portrayed as easy. To some extent love is natural. God created us in his image, and after all, God is love. In my previous blogs I have tried to make the case for falling in love with God, possibly at the expense of making it sound easy.

Its not easy though. Love frequently hurts, and so is the relationship we have with God, because he loves us so much he will not settle for us living as the old man lived. Yes, he is a forgiving God, but he calls us to change from our old ways to become different. If this world brings me to my knees in tears, I can only imagine how it must make God feel. I am reminded of the lyrics, "Can he still feel the nails, every time I fail?" We can be assured though that he is on our side...and that is why he sent his Son.

Do you remember what Jesus said to Peter? Paraphrased he said, " Before the rooster crows you will deny me three times." Peter didn't believe it at the time, but he did deny his Lord three times. I wonder how they both felt in that moment. It was obviously a significant moment in history as Jesus was facing death, but even in the midst of extreme turmoil I think that the burden of Peter's denial must have hurt them both. This is the same Peter whom Jesus called a rock. I have to believe that Peter's denial must of played a part in shaping him into who he would become.

We see all through out the Bible people that struggled in their faith, but many of these people sought after righteousness and God cherished them. They struggled in their love affair with God, but they repented of their struggles and their faith and love grew because of it.

A love affair with the Lord does not come easy, but he desires to have that relationship with us.

May we be broken enough to see our Lord.

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