Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Seeking Christ

The ramifications are drastic. My favorite verse in the Bible is found in Jeremiah 29:13 when God says to Jeremiah, " You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart."

God wants us to know him, but we will not find him if we merely claim a general belief in him, or if we recognize his presence, but ignore the implications of that presence in our daily lives. God wants us to long for him, and in doing so we will find him. There have been times in my life when I wanted to know God so badly that it very literally brought me to my knees. In those moments my soul cried out in thirst and I believe that God met me there.

Unfortunately there have been far many more times that I have felt dead, or staled, and I didn't know how to get going again. It hurts me to think of these times because deep down I want to know Christ, but this alone is not enough. We must learn to hunger and thirst for righteousness.

I think that in American culture we have misconstrued ideas about what hunger and thirst are. I have been fortunate enough to travel to the Dominican Republic several times and I now know that true hunger and thirst reflect desperation. If we are to be filled (Matt 5:6) we must become desperate to know righteousness. In seeking Christ we must truly, and honestly seek after righteousness in our lives.

We won't be perfect. Since the fall of man the only one to fit that bill was the Messiah himself, but complacency will not do. The sin in our lives should bring pain to our souls. Fortunately we have a God that is bigger than our sins, and he longs to know us.

May our souls cry out to know the Lord.

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