Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Life sometimes offers one challenge after the other, and often times they are mental challenges. "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." These words for me are so hard to live by, but I have to keep moving on...moving forward...and somehow along the way trying to enjoy the many blessings of the life I have been given.

I had a 22 year old friend die in the last week, and it really is hard to understand. Some might say that he was struggling through life, but he really seemed to enjoy life and for that I admire him. Life is very short, and unfortunately my friend did not know just how short it was. It is in situations like this one that it is hard to understand this world, and it is easy to question for me to question my purpose. The truth is, I have been so wrapped up in studying and preparing myself for the future that I do not know what my purpose is. If you happen to run across this, say a quick prayer for me, that I might find purpose.

On one hand I know my basic purposes. I want to prepare myself to have a family and be able to provide for my family, but I spend exponentially more time preparing for this than I do preparing myself spiritually. God, forgive me of this, and help me to find greater purpose. Help me find courage and motivation to serve you with my life, and help me to see ways to do this. It is scary for me to pray this, but I pray that you offer opportunities for me to to serve you, and to reach people that need you. Help me to lose my selfishness that I might see others in their needs.

I am convinced that if we do not try to seize each moment, and enjoy each phase of life, that we will find ourselves at the end of a journey that we missed out on. If you read this, please take this one piece of thought for what it is worth. Enjoy life, and try to enjoy each moment. Search for God, and have the courage to make a difference. Maybe one day I will reach this point.

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